Yoto Player experience

The Yoto Player has been a fun addition to our household and we’ve been leveraging their Make Your Own cards a lot. Funnily enough, I only heard about the product due to their recall on one of their products.


  • Using the web app is best to create cards and playlists, not the app.
  • Selecting unique icons for each track is hard.
  • I recorded myself reading a bunch of kid’s books, but my son didn’t seem to like them.
  • yt-dlp can pull music from YouTube easily.
    yt-dlp -x -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-quality 0 --audio-format mp3 --cookies cookies.txt -o '%(title)s.%(ext)s' https://music.youtube.com/playlist\?list\=PLkrDMi8luNY8myLTDcSCtdcMJqtHP-0ww
  • I still need to figure out the best way to print full colour stickers for the Make Your Own cards

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