View transitions

I added view transitions to this site and am happy with the basic result in that it matched what I thought it would in my head.

Reading up on the View Transitions API is a little daunting. After transitions, I haven’t had to implement designs with complex animations. There are a bunch of guides for view transitions, so following examples seems straight forward, but I dread needing to implement something brand new.

@media not (prefers-reduced-motion) {
  @view-transition {
    navigation: auto;

I struggled initially trying to use both the Astro functionality (<ViewTransitions>) and native CSS functionality. Even just using Astro’s transition:name prop caused it to create a ton of extra CSS styling. Moving towards just the CSS approach made things easier, but I forgot to remove some of the original Astro transition props.

Another issue I ran into is that view transitions don’t work on page redirects. This host enforces trailing slashes on URLs, and I wasn’t adding them into my links, so the 307 redirect killed the transition.

One thing I don’t like with my implementation is that if you scroll down on the homepage, click on a blog post, then click on the logo to return to the homepage, the original link is no longer in the viewport. This looks a little janky. There seems to be discussion in the CSS group regarding this issue.