Show recently created or updated tags in PnP Modern Search

The following Handlebars template shows New if the item is created in the past 7 days. If it’s not new, it will show Recently updated if the item was modified in the past 7 days.

{{#if (lt (divide (minus (getDate (date) 'X') (getDate item.Created 'X')) 86400) 7)}}
  <b title='Created on {{getDate item.Created "LL"}}'>New</b>
  {{#if (lt (divide (minus (getDate (date) 'X') (getDate item.ModifiedOWSDATE 'X')) 86400) 7)}}
      title='Last updated on {{getDate item.ModifiedOWSDATE "LL"}}.
      Created on {{getDate item.Created "LL"}}'
      Recently updated

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